
  • 10 Lessons

    Anti Anxiety Formula

    You are going to discover how to overcome anxiety, so that you can be fearless and achieve anything you want in life! Anxiety is the main obstacle that stops someone from reaching their full potential. Anxiety is a common obstacle that stops us from achieving success in our personal & professional lives. You need to get free without being tied up by anxiety, you need to become an open and free-minded person.

  • 11 Lessons

    Boosting Confidence

    You could be held back to speak in front of your superiors or supervisors or teachers or anyone. Fear overpowers your interest to talk or causes discomfort to speak out.  Some of the times a lack of self-assurance stems merely from a deficiency of experience. You might not feel so positive about taking the problem or giving a public speech if you've never done it earlier. These feelings will shift as you grow and experience more matters in your life.  But, at some point, you have to realize that this is not the way of living. You have already come a long way, it's time to transform your fear to dare, unclear to clarity, failure to success. This course will guide you through the tips. Just remember, unless you take the initiative, no trips will work. Be confident.

  • 11 Lessons

    Born To Succeed

    Success is not attained in a day nor success is somebody's gift. It is all your efforts that you make to face the challenges, fight the obstacles. You can be born to succeed forever if you intend to focus and charge towards your goal without being affected by any kind of external factors. So, it's time you decide if you are born to succeed or waiting for success. This course will guide you create a successful mindset.

  • 8 Lessons

    Bridging The Gap

    When you are confident about yourself and have 100% belief in your actions, it goes a long way in you moving up the ladder in life. Before taking any important decision in your life, you always wonder, what others would think of you if you don’t succeed, don’t you? Instead, it is more important to analyze how much you trust yourself with that particular decision. If you are convinced that what you are doing is right, you don’t have to justify yourself to anybody. It’s a wonderful feeling to feel very confident about your life. However, did you know that the way you think had the power to increase your self-belief? Having a clear view of the big picture and being able to put yourself there, increases your chances of success. Affirming yourself and instilling confidence in yourself is the best way to grow happy and confident. So, why not try this course to understand how to make yourself better?

  • 9 Lessons

    Bulletproof Mind

    Confront And Deal With Your Inner Demons Once And For All. Awaken Your Unconscious Behaviors. Reclaim The Empathy And Kindness That Is Lost Within You. What Is The Purpose Of Your Life. Simple Yet Effective Ways To Eliminate The Negative Energy.

  • 11 Lessons

    Bulletproof Motivation

    Are you not completing the work properly? Do you quite often feel like relaxing and avoid doing any work? How is your daily routine? Here are a few of the questions that one has to pose and analyze what is required to make life active and better.

  • 11 Lessons

    Calm Mind

    Most of us are worked to the point of exhaustion: burned out and dried up. Meditation is the perfect cure for that: it helps us to find calm in the storm and to see perspective when we’re caught up in petty concerns. Within days, meditation can help you to feel more like your old self – more on top of things, and less stressed.  You’ll be able to treat meditation as a mental state that you can visit any time. Any time you need a break, or some perspective.

  • 12 Lessons

    Coping With Stress

    When people are scared and unsure of their abilities, they make excuses for staying in their current position, a position that is comfortable and makes them feel secure. They stay where they are comfortable, never taking chances and being miserable the entire time. Every successful entrepreneur has grit. It is not something that they were born with, but rather something that they worked hard to develop and continue to maintain along the way. Grit is the belief that you can conquer anything as long as you stick with it. It is the determination you have to win, no matter what. This guide will show you how to develop your grit, drive, and hustle so you can become a successful entrepreneur. 

  • 18 Lessons

    Daily Success Rituals

    You could be held back to speak in front of your superiors or supervisors or teachers or anyone. Fear overpowers your interest to talk or causes discomfort to speak out.  Some of the times a lack of self-assurance stems merely from a deficiency of experience. You might not feel so positive about taking the problem or giving a public speech if you've never done it earlier. These feelings will shift as you grow and experience more matters in your life.  But, at some point, you have to realize that this is not the way of living. You have already come a long way, it's time to transform your fear to dare, unclear to clarity, failure to success. This course will guide you through the tips. Just remember, unless you take the initiative, no trips will work. Be confident.

  • 11 Lessons

    Entrepreneurial Drive

    When people are scared and unsure of their abilities, they make excuses for staying in their current position, a position that is comfortable and makes them feel secure. They stay where they are comfortable, never taking chances and being miserable the entire time. Every successful entrepreneur has grit. It is not something that they were born with, but rather something that they worked hard to develop and continue to maintain along the way. Grit is the belief that you can conquer anything as long as you stick with it. It is the determination you have to win, no matter what. This guide will show you how to develop your grit, drive, and hustle so you can become a successful entrepreneur. 

  • 21 Lessons

    Gem Edge – Bundle

    A specialization learning path for all round growth acceleration and career success paved with cutting edge skills, tools and techniques in different areas of specializations and development. In-depth coverage of the most important corporate and entrepreneurial skills in easy to consume course capsules. Practical wisdom you need for winning in this pandemic era.

  • 6 Lessons

    Gem Edge : Embracing Imperfection

    Perfectionism is about avoiding feelings of shame and inadequacy. By being perfect, you have permission to not feel bad about yourself. However, you never quite feel good about yourself. Perfectionists aren’t trying to achieve something great. They’re trying to avoid something negative. A perfectionist can enjoy a few perks. Many people admire perfectionists. However, the disadvantages usually aren’t worth it. Relentless pursuit of perfection is what drives us to eating disorders, anxiety, and the general feeling that no matter what we do, we can't be good enough. We are still striving for perfection, but no matter how hard we try, we just don't make it.

  • 16 Lessons

    Gem Edge : Your Worst enemies

    Who are your real enemies ? How do you identify them, control them and create a defense system from those? Where do you find them? Fortunately, 95% of your enemies are internal. We will discover those enemies and will discuss the strategies to tame them.

  • 11 Lessons

    Gem Edge: Crossing The Comfort Zone

    Smash the status quo and watch your career grow 1. Find out what is beyond the comfort zone 2. Develop a mindset for change 3. Find out 6 common obstacles that prevent us from expanding our comfort zone 4. Understand 6 stages of personal transformation 5. Follow the eight-step process to progressively overcome the fear of change 6. Step out of your comfort zone to inspire your team and become a true advocate for their growth 7.Make stepping out of your comfort zone a habit

  • 6 Lessons

    Gem Edge: Discover Your Passions – Know Your Why

    Find your purpose, passion and unleash your inner power Identify why you need to get clear on your big ‘why’ and how it affects your whole life if you don’t Connect with the true passions of your life so that you can feel empowered and free to find and embrace your big ‘why’ Tired of to-do lists that never get done? A lack of a ‘why’ maybe the reason you're dragging your feet. When you know your ‘why’, your communications have depth and possess an urgency that resonates with customers and clients. Your life story leaves clues. Reflect on your past to discover your present ‘why’. The things that you love and are passionate about will provide important clues about your big ‘why’. What were your childhood dreams? What injustices in the world get you fired up? The things that upset us can also provide clues about our ‘why’. People evolve and change - finding your ‘why’ is a lifelong journey. Take it one step at a time. Connection is key. One question to ask yourself on the journey to discovering your ‘why’: WHO do I want to help? Don’t get discouraged. Contrary to popular belief, we aren’t born with a life purpose. We must work to uncover our ‘why’. Remember: It doesn’t have to be difficult. Our ‘why’ is often something we overlook because it comes so naturally to us. Can’t identify your ‘why’? Your heroes may hold the key. Reflect on why you admire them and connect their characteristics and passions to your life.

  • 22 Lessons

    Gem Edge: Emotional Intelligence Advantage

    It is generally presumed that emotional intelligence is fine for those in the arts and humanities, but emotional intelligence is necessary for success in all fields. Emotional intelligence provides many benefits, such as: Increases your social effectiveness - When you understand your emotions and the emotions of others, you can connect and communicate more effectively. It can be a great advantage in personal relationships. Enhances your ability to lead others - When you understand motivation, emotional state management, and can empathize with others, you become a more effective leader. It boosts the likelihood of success - When you can control your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, you can do anything. It reduces bad habits and self-destructive behaviors - Whether it’s overeating, using drugs or alcohol, or wasting a day watching TV, emotional intelligence makes it easier to avoid these behaviors. You develop mastery over yourself - This is the primary focus of this eBook. For some people, this is the whole point of living - to learn how to master yourself. How many times do you know the best course of action, but you do something else instead? Gaining emotional intelligence can be the answer. Emotional intelligence provides a lot of advantages. It’s easy to pick out those who are high in emotional intelligence. It’s also easy to pick out those who are lacking in this important characteristic. Emotional intelligence might not be the most exciting thing to develop. But, it might be the most important.

  • 6 Lessons

    Gem Edge: Getting Into Flow State

    Find out the productivity secrets of super achievers. Learn how they master focus despite facing disastrous distractions. Learn what sets the highest achievers apart from everyone else. Increase your levels of focus and concentration. Experience massive increase in productivity, concentration, and happiness Enter into the FLOW state.

  • 8 Lessons

    Gem Edge: How To Develop A Growth Mindset

    Anyone with excellent skills or education cannot achieve their goals or satisfaction without a growth mindset. Dispel limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Tame the inner critic and travel on growth highway. Understand the difference between fixed and growth mindset. Learn 11 critical mindset changes to unlock your growth mindset.