
Gem Edge: Discover Your Passions – Know Your Why


Find your purpose, passion and unleash your inner power

Identify why you need to get clear on your big ‘why’ and how it affects your whole life if you don’t

Connect with the true passions of your life so that you can feel empowered and free to find and embrace your big ‘why’




Find your purpose, passion and unleash your inner power

Identify why you need to get clear on your big ‘why’ and how it affects your whole life if you don’t

Connect with the true passions of your life so that you can feel empowered and free to find and embrace your big ‘why’


Tired of to do lists that never get done? A lack of a ‘why’ may be the reason you’re dragging your feet.

When you know your ‘why’, your communications have depth and possess an urgency that resonates with customers and clients.

Your life story leaves clues. Reflect on your past to discover your present ‘why’.

The things that you love and are passionate about will provide important clues about your big ‘why’. What were your childhood dreams?

What injustices in the world get you fired up? The things that upset us can also provide clues about our ‘why’.

People evolve and change – finding your ‘why’ is a lifelong journey. Take it one step at a time.

Connection is key. One question to ask yourself on the journey to discovering your ‘why’: WHO do I want to help?

Don’t get discouraged. Contrary to popular belief, we aren’t born with a life purpose. We must work to uncover our ‘why’.

Remember: It doesn’t have to be difficult. Our ‘why’ is often something we overlook because it comes so naturally to us.

Can’t identify your ‘why’? Your heroes may hold the key. Reflect on why you admire them and connect their characteristics and passions to your life.

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